Wzor twierdzi że RC2 wyszedł pod nazwą IDX (Internal Developer Release), X - oznacza Client lub Server
"The IDX Client and Server builds are to help with final pre-deployment testing. They will be distributed to TAP and OEM customers via Connect, similar to the bi-weekly RRP audience. Timebomb behavior identical to RC. Limited servicing. Will reuse RC EULA. Same languages as RC Exit (EN,DE,ES,FR,JA)."
"In addition there will be a Client SP released to a limited set of TechBeta participants (delivery via WU). SP will be based off the RC build and will go to a limited audience but not necessarily under NDA. It will be a .CAB file that installs on the RC build; WU detection dependent on a reg key available from the TechBeta site. the SP is edition-agnostic - it would install on either Server or Client, but Server will be turned off for this release. Sensitive Asset test pass will be dependent on whether any SA compo-nents were touched (TBD)."
"This milestone is termed the "Internal Developer Client and Server" (IDX) build - it'san internal quality term we use meaning that the build is stable enough to deploy and evaluate, but may contain more minor bugs than a RC build.
Tłumaczone translatorem (Mniej więcej można zrozumieć o co chodzi)"
W IDX klienta i serwera buduje mają pomóc w ostatecznej wstępnego wdrożenia badań. Będą one rozprowadzane do TAP OEM i klientów poprzez Connect, podobne do dwutygodnik RRP publiczności. Timebomb zachowanie identyczne z RC. Ograniczona obsługa. Czy ponowne RC EULA. Tych samych językach, co RC Exit (PL, DE, ES, FR, I). \ ".... \" Oprócz będzie klienta SP uwalniane do ograniczonego zestawu TechBeta uczestników (dostawa za pośrednictwem UW). SP będzie oparte off RC tworzenia i trafi do ograniczonej publiczności, ale nie necessa