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Oto skrócony chagelog:
Windows 7 RC Features and Improvement List
Desktop Experience
1. Windows Flip (ALT + TAB) with Aero Peek
2. Windows Logo + keyboard shortcut
3. Needy State
4. Taskbar ?Open With?
5. Taskbar scaling
6. Anchoring taskbar thumbnails
7. Newly installed programs
8. Jump List length
9. Increased pinning flexibility with Jump List
10. Desktop icon and gadget view options
11. Aero Peek for touch
12. Multi-touch touch keyboard
13. Multi-touch right-click
14. Drag/Drop and selection
15. Internet access feedback
Control Panel
16. User Account Control
17. Locking a machine without a screensaver
18. Faster access to High Performance power plan
19. Custom theme improvements
Windows Media Player
20. Improved Internet Radio playback
21. Improved playback support for video content from digital camcorders and cameras
22. Cleaner Now Playing view
23. Filtering content that cannot be played
24. Resume from sleep
25. Quieting Windows Media Player sync relationships
26. Easier access to advanced settings
27. Jump List improvement
Device Stage
28. Enriching the Device Stage ecosystem
Sound UX
29. Improving the headphone experience
30. Increased audio reliability
Windows Explorer and Library
31. Improved header
32. Reduced confusion with drag/drop
33. Reviving familiar entry points
34. FAT32 support
35. Arrangement view enhancements
36. Improving performance through data